Friday, September 7, 2007

I'm Early!

Blogging a day early because I will be up to my eyeballs in Photoshop work tomorrow and may not make it onto SL on Saturday ... anyways, the shop is just about as set up as I can make it ... I'm sure I'll be doing some "tweaking" here and there as time goes along. I have it set up that when you first TP to "Absinthe Minded", you will land up at the skybox shop in Skyridge ... from there there will be another TP area if you would like to see the sun loungers at my ground level tiki shop.

I had time to make 2 more new items, hope you enjoy!
First up is a Tuscan Fountain made with a combo of sculpties and prims ... I've been tinkering with scripts and am rather pleased with how it all turned out ;P
Second up is what I call a "Water Garden" ... add in either your own plants or add in some more water ... or even a fountain. You could even add in your own poseballs/animations to make it a nice garden bench for the center of your garden!
Okay all! Have to go ... chat with you all next week! :))
Absinthe Primrose

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